lead nurturing planning

If You Don’t These Lean Nurturing Essentials Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

It normally takes a minimum of 25 business days to convert a business lead to sales in B2B marketing. This method of conversion may sound tedious and time consuming according to many marketing enthusiast. The effort and the return of investment is also an issue here because not all marketing budget allocates promptly in time-bounded sales. So it would raise a question on how this method can be expedited but not sacrificing too much of the effort in the process. Read more

artificial intelligence in marketing

Using Human Intuition in Data Driven B2B Marketing  


artificial intelligence in marketing

Human intuition and data does not needed to counter each other say’s columnist Joshua Reynolds as he explains why the most effective marketing analytics solutions make use of both mind and machine. This is also same with managed human marketing automation. While all the data is available to help us decide, it is very best to keep up not only with data information but with the use of our own decision. Read more

Data Journalism

Switching Content Marketing to Data Journalism

Many of online marketers have been used to content marketing wherein it creates popularity and network of their company. It has been a common notion that content should probably be more entertaining and a little bit less than scientific.

Well, everybody gets tired of reading long text and scrolling down the screen just to get the gist of the topic. In addition, reading analytical data just in numbers are too often screech our eyes out of numerical symbols. So, Read more

Why Lead Scoring should be considered as Nuisance in B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing and B2C marketing works in marketing industry and both field collaborates the marketing set up of many business in the global community. It may seem that these two giants work differently for their set up but there is a slight yet big difference when it comes to sales leads in these two marketing golems. Read more

The Biggest Lies in Social Marketing

You’ve heard it. You’ve seen it. But these lies about social marketing are deceiving you and your industry in putting action onto this following situations. B2B marketers should consider this as a warning because being focused on something that does not give out a good return of investments is just a waste of money. So I should say this once that you may have been thinking that these methods are working out for you. Read more

4 Business Tycoon Reveals their Ways to Marketing

There aren’t few big time business in the digital world. Most of them like start in the garage and wait for some miracles. Business tycoons of digital world can be treated like geeks for they came up with something not everyone expects it to be like it is. The marketing action of these companies led them to somewhere big. Let us try to see how these big company used marketing in their way to success and use them as motivation in B2B marketing. Read more

See How Easily You Can Be an Expert Telemarketer

The dissatisfied boy reading the book

Telemarketers, telesales and sales personnel may have already gone through rough training before engaging a conversation with business owners in B2B marketing industry. Becoming a telemarketer requires not only the effective communication of an individual but the totality of one’s persuasiveness in capturing the interest of his/her listener. Sales person may come to think of it that in telemarketing, there can be no more room for improvement. Read more

Get Rid of SEO Myths Once and For All

Business owners relies on the productivity of their assets. Websites popularity are in the hand of your SEO or search engine optimizers. To have someone manage over something we don’t understand and we are spending money on to something we ought to know, it just like we feel someone is trying to milk money out our business. Compiling the myths in SEO because business can never go wrong with this. Read more